The Ill Communication

February 3, 2016 | 21:10 | Written by: snake911

Nearly did a spit take this morning while I was watching the news on NHK World. During their lighthearted closing story, they reported on a festival in Japan where some celebrates participated by throwing beans into the crowd as a way to invite good luck. One of those celebrities was this guy:

Oh my. It’s Segata Sanshiro!

Didn’t expect to see him on television this morning. Turns out Hiroshi Fujioka, the guy who played the role of Segata Sanshiro, is currently an actor in a historical drama TV show called Sanada Maru that airs on NHK. Based on the website, he plays the character Honda tadakatsu, “the bravest warlord in the Tokugawa family and a supporter of leyasu. His daughter, Komatsuhime, becomes the lawful wife of Nobuyuki in order to build ties between Tadakatsu and his foes, the Sanada family.”

I was wondering what happened to him. Last note I saw of him was around a decade ago when he was promoting a Rambo arcade game from Sega. Glad to see he’s doing well, but we still need to find out what happened to Hidekazu Yukawa, the Senior Managing Director of Sega who was the face for the Dreamcast in Japan. Only when we find his whereabouts will I finally be able to sleep well at night.

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