The Ill Communication

May 12, 2015 | 23:59 | Written by: snake911

My brother got a PS4 for his birthday, just two days before Konami decided to pull P.T. from PSN. Since this was a game I absolutely had to play (I loved the Silent Hill series from back in the day), this was, by coincidence, perfect timing. I’m not fortunate to have a PS4 myself, nor did I know anyone who owned one before my bro got one, so that’s the reason why I haven’t been able to play it until just recently. In addition, I avoided all discussions related to it so I can have a spoiler free experience.

Let me begin by saying, Jebus that was one spooky game! The hauntings that occur throughout it are terrifying. The fear I felt wasn’t the same as when I play a scary game but more in line how I feel when I watch a scary movie. There were a number of times where I had my head turned, ready to look away when I thought something bad was about to happen. This is probably in part thanks to it being developed by Kojima Productions. I don’t know how much Hideo Kojima was involved with P.T. -- or Guillermo del Toro -- but it definitely had a film vibe to it.

I did have some frustrations though with the game. There were parts in it where I wished they gave some sort of hint of what I was supposed to do next. These parts actually killed the momentum for me of being scared and just made me felt very irritated. But irritations aside, it was still a memorable game (demo, teaser, whatever). It’s a shame though that if you missed the deadline to download it, you may never be able to experience it. Heck, I’m bummed out that I won’t be able to get it myself when I eventually get around to getting a PS4.

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