Los Doyers
September 28, 2014 | 21:18 | Written by: snake911

It's been a while since I've been to a Dodgers game, but I finally broke my long-term absence with that yesterday when I returned to the stadium to see them battle the Rockies. I had a good time and it was a fun evening had by all I went with.
We definitely got our moneys worth for our tickets as this game went into extra innings -- 12 to be exact! But it was awesome to leave seeing the home team win the game. Of course I had a traditional Dodger Dog, but later during the forth inning we stepped away from the game for a bit as my brother was looking to try the ridiculous Dodger Nacho Helmet. This was a monolith snack that contained a grande sized nacho platter with all the fixin's placed into a 64oz Dodgers helmet. This was a quest as this was only sold a few snack bars in the stadium. We searched for a while but eventually found it; and you don't understand the size of this beast until you hold one in your hands. Pepto-Bismol not included.
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