The Ill Communication

E3 2015: Sony Press Conference
June 16, 2015 | 20:43 | Written by: snake911

Holy moley.

Call Sony butterfingers because they were dropping the mic all throughout their press conference. Starting the show with a show stopper, the first game they showed for the evening was no other than The Last Guardian, aaaand with a release scheduled for 2016. Many bottles of Mountain Dew were accidently knocked over by nerds everywhere when this announcement occurred.

Another bomb drop was a ways of making good on a sour note that occurred during the PlayStation Experience back in December where Square mentioned they would be releasing Final Fantasy VII…as a port from the PC version. A roaring audience suddenly going silent was all that was needed to demonstrate the disgust everyone had when the word “port” was spoken. But now, at E3, they are giving what everyone wanted by making an actual remake of FFVII. Many nerds around the country chocked on their Doritos when the word “remake” appeared on the screen.

Continuing with pushing the fandom momentum forward, Sony hosted the Kickstarter launch for Shenmue 3! Yu Suzuki was there to countdown the timer for the launch, which by the way, had a goal of 2 million dollars that was already funded in less than 24 hours. I’ve never seen a Kickstarter campaign fill its most expensive pledges so quickly. I, for one, would have loved to have 10k of spare cash to blow to get the pledge that gets me the Ryo Hazuki leather jacket.

The new game that caught my attention was Horizon: Zero Dawn. While I don’t get why giant robotic dinosaurs are roaming the Earth, it was a cool looking game with some great combat. The trailer for Hitman was super stylized and looked impressive. And while I don’t really care for the franchise, the trailer for Hitman kept me glued to the monitor. Another game series I don’t care for but caught my attention was for the third or fourth installment (depending on who you ask) for it: Batman: Arkham Knight. The whole first-person perspective stuff was interesting and brings a new type of exploratory gameplay to the fast paced action the series is known for. Here’s hoping that wasn’t just a one-time gimmick.

Media Molecule’s Dreams sounds great, but it just made me think of LSD for the PS1. Man, Sony needs to release that on PSN US, or better, get the original creator, Osamu Sato, and have him remake the game with the power of the PS4. I’d preorder that game. Believe it. When it came to discussing the Morpheus VR headset, Sony was pretty coy with info. I guess they’re seeing if people are still interested in VR.

A big surprise was seeing a Call of Duty game being shown at Sony’s show. Now I understand why they were suspiciously absent from Microsoft’s show. For publisher Devolver Digital’s showcase, I was impressed with all the games they presented. My favorite game from theirs that I’m getting soon for PC is Ronin. Another cool looking game from them was Mother Russia Bleeds. I think it might be an old school brawler game, and if that’s true, then rad. There was a lot more to the show, but those were the biggest highlights for me.

In the end, I was really impressed with what Sony had to show at their press conference. There wasn’t a lot of first party stuff (and that could be a scary thing if you think about it), but if their job was to win the hearts of gamers, then: mission accomplished.

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