The Ill Communication

Coming up for air
September 9, 2015 | 21:38 | Written by: snake911

This week marks the end of an epic journey. I just finished playing Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker for the PSP -- a game which holds a personal record for the longest time I’ve played with a game.

Before it, the longest game I’ve played was Resident Evil 4 where I clocked in 40 hours of gameplay. For Peace Walker, it’s just shy of 200 hours! Meowza!! I wasn’t expecting to play it for so long. When I played Portable Ops around a year ago it consumed 30 hours of my life, so I was expecting Peace Walker to be the same, if not shorter. For me, 30 hours is a lot since I play games that tend to hover around the 15 hour mark.

I played it off and on since February with many games played in between, but I’m glad I’m finally closing the book on Peace Walker so I can finally freakin’ just write about it (heck yeah this is going to be in my next release of game write-ups for the vg journal). Playing a game for that long for someone who plays relatively short games can be used as a measurement as to just how good this game is.

In addition, it’s interesting to note that I finished the game just shortly after the release of Metal Gear Solid 5, but I’m in no rush to start playing The Phantom Pain just yet. I just came up for air and I’ll need a long breather before I go back into the depths of another Kojima game.

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