The Ill Communication

Back from the other side
November 11, 2015 | 22:56 | Written by: snake911

Moving sucks.

I’m finished moving to my one bedroom apartment and helping my brother move around. The last few days have now been figuring out how to arrange the furniture, but it’s been challenging because this new place doesn’t have a large walk-in closet like my previous places did to store away much of my belongings. Meaning: I have too much crap! So I’ve been doing a big purge by donating clothes to Goodwill, dropping off books at a nearby book store, and throwing out useless stuff I’ve been accruing over the years. Part of me doesn’t want to part with anything (that’s why I kept everything), but for every bag of junk I toss out of my life I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I’m sure this feeling has to be the ecstasy minimalists love to feel.

Content for the site should start again soon. Probably next week.

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